

  Giving advice for good health Good health habits can help you avoid disease and improve your quality of life. The following steps will help you feel and live better. 1.        You should eat balanced like vegetables and fruits. 2.        You should exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes to an hour. 3.        You should avoid drinking alcohol or any illicit substance that is harmful to our body. 4.        You should stop smoking. 5.        You must take your daily medication that is for your health. 6.        You should take care of your teeth. 7.        They should always control high blood pressure. 8.        You should follow good security practices.   Alcohol consumption changes many brain functions. It affects in the first instance the e...


  RISKY ACTIVITIES High-risk tasks are all activities that, due to their nature or the place where they are carried out, involve exposure or intensity greater than those normally present in routine activities, which can cause severe and often fatal accidents at work. Extreme sports are leisure activities with some dangerous component, which are characterized as those that when carried out add difficult or extreme conditions that imply higher levels of risk and emotion for those who practice them. There are many extreme sports, from parachute jumping, canoeing down a mighty river or jumping from a bridge with a rope, but the important thing when practicing these activities is to do it with the appropriate security measures. There are different risk activities such as: Skydiving and paragliding . Jumping from a parachute plane or from a hill, handling a paraglider in an aerodynamic way, is not easy and requires specific preparation and long hours of previous training. Rafting....


UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR PIO XII Transformando vidas con la verdad, la ciencia y el amor PROYECTO INTERDISCIPLINARIO ''COCINANDO CN CIENCIA '' ESTUDIANTE: Cristina Tenempaguay  MATERIAS: Lengua  y Literatura, Quimica, Matematicas, Fisica,Biologia, Computacion  DOCENTES: Marcos Arizaga., Ivan Salazar, Jenny Guaman, Abigail Barrezueta, Steffania Carrasco, Victor Ramon  CURSO: 1 BGU ''B'' AÑO LECTIVO:  2021 - 2022  OBJETIVO GENERAL:   Mi objetivo aqui es dar a conocer todo lo que he aprendido durante el tiempo de realizacion de este proyecto interdisciplinario ''COCINANDO CON CIENCIA''  OBJETIVO ESPECIFICO:    En este proyecto les voy a dar a conocer que es un plan nutricional y para que nos ayudara en nuestro diario vivir para empezar y no tener confusiones sobre el tema que voy a hablar me he plantaeado e invetigado las siguientes preguntas para no tener ninguna duda durante el tiempo de la presentacion     Que es un pl...